With Honored Guests
In Berkeley, CA and Online
We invite you to join us for the Drangsong Foundation Launch Event on May 10th from 6-9 PM (Pacific Time) in Berkeley and online.
The event will be presided over in person by Anam Thubten Rinpoche and Segyu Rinpoche.
We are also extremely honored to be joined online by Namgyal Dawa Rinpoche, Lama Chönam, Robert Thurman, Aminaa Batmuch, and Sowa Rigpa International College’s Vice Director and Principal Nyima Tsering and Tenzin Jinpa.
Drangsong Foundation’s Founders, Pema Rigdzin and Dr. Eric Rosenbush will give a short introduction about the projects in US and Nepal. Our honored guests will then give their blessings and follow with short teachings on the relationship between Dharma and Healing.
This event is by donation. We appreciate your generosity.